
👋Hey there! I'm Ardy, a Full Stack Web Developer with a hobby of turning ideas into code. I build web apps, create scrapers, and automate tasks. I have a strong affinity for JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, and Rust.

Currently focusing on NextJS, Remix, Hono, Puppeteer/Selenium, and Rust. Very interested on AI & dApps. Always up for a new challenge - want to hire me? Hit me up!


👨‍💻 Projects

  • 2FA Generator

    2FA Generator

    Building a simple web application with React + Vite that allows users to generate 2FA codes from their 2FA secret key, similar to the functionality provided by 2fa.live.

  • It's Encrypted

    It's Encrypted

    Building a simple web application with React + Vite that provides message encryption and decryption functionality simulation using the AES algorithm.

  • Siborg-X


    Building a social media software for performing Blast, Bulk, and Single tasks for various social media platforms. Created with the React, Express, Redis, Puppeteer tech stack which uses a queue and thread system.

  • Majesta


    Building a e-commerce application that built with Full Stack Next.js, Prisma ORM, and NextAuth.js. Current checkpoint is CRUD operations with Tanstack React Table and useSWR for data fetching.